Paolo Fossa
Dance Teacher Choreographer and Dancer
Life is an ongoing process
UNIque@dance aim to initiate and support the opening of state dance educational institutions - academies, colleges and universities - throughout Germany towards the professionalisation of aspiring dancers with disabilities by developing appropriate concepts and strategies and has already successfully initiated several initial steps together with the two universities in NRW.
Various practice-oriented and theoretical research, reflection and knowledge transfer formats were developed in university and non-institutional contexts with the participation of university representatives, experts in mixed-abled dance, dance artists and mediators, education, science and cultural policy representatives and dance-specific associations. These include: MoveTanks, ThinkTanks, UniTanks, expert exchange days, symposia.
07 and 8 September by ZZT Centre for Contemporary Dance
Take-off: Junger Tanzhaus dance Programme Young people
take-off: Junger Tanz Düsseldorf introduces children and young people aged between zero and 18 to the aesthetics and techniques of contemporary dance art.
Since 2022, I have been teaching in this educational programme with the following partner schools:
Tanz mit! + Tanz mal!
Deutsch Oper Am Rhein
With a workshop offer for schools in Düsseldorf and Duisburg, the dance education department of the Ballett am Rhein "Tanz mit! would like to give school classes a chance to come into contact with this special art form. The project "Tanz mit! + Tanz mal!" project transfers the cooperation project between the Semperoper Dresden and the Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden to Düsseldorf and Duisburg.
Since 2023, I have been teaching in this educational programme with various partner school.
In the new school year I will teach at:
Mixed-abled dance classes
Deutsch Oper Am Rhein
Merowingerstraße 88, 40225 Düsseldorf
2024 Dates:
14.09.2024 - 28.09.2024 - 12.10.2024 - 26.10.2024 - 09.11.2024 - 23.11.2024
07.12.2024 - 21.12.2024
2025 Datess
11.01.2025 - 25.01.2025 - 08.02.2025 - 22.02.2025 - 08.03.2025 - 22.03.2025
05.04.2025 - 26.04.2025 - 10.05.2025 - 24.05.2025 - 07.06.2025 - 21.06.2025
For young people (advice from 12 upwards) and adults with and without disabilities, we offer regular mixed-abled dance classes in our accessible ballet house.
NRW Preis Kulturelle Bildung
Wir sind stolz darauf, unseren ersten Entwicklungspreis für eines unserer Projekte erhalten zu haben.
Am 14. April wurde das Projekt Treffpunkt Grenze vom Kulturministerium NRW ausgezeichnet!
Das Projekt wurde von Tanja Kontnj mit ihren Kolleginnen Edith Bongers-Reul und Corinna Lenssen in Kooperation mit dem Kinderheim St. Annenhof, dem Campus-Haus für Familien/ Jugendzentrum und dem Kulturamt Kempen durchgeführt.
Collaboration with the Shenzhen Art School academy
TanzArt Ostwest and Shenzhen art School continue their collaboration with video classes and research seminars, for the transcription of a new line of contemporary dance that fuses Eastern and Western culture.
The first semester of the Online Syllabus Programme for Contemporary Dance at the Shenzhen art School has been successfully completed. In autumn we will start another exciting semester!
EveryBody Dance Festival
The cooperation with the Everybody Festival will continue in autumn 2024
EveryBody is an engagement and production project in the field of disability dance, which aims to bring together, actively and passively, people with and without disabilities who share a passion for dance and movement.
Bildung Entwicklung Tanz (BET)
-Educational Development Dance-
The platform I created in November 2021 thanks to the DIS-TANZEN-SOLO funding programme continues to publish.
Every month, two interviews with different personalities from the world of dance and culture will be published!
In September you can listen to
- Michael Foster Former dancer and currently responsible for dance promotion at the Operhaus Düsseldorf
- Andrea Popp Dance pedagogue

Contemporary dance Teacher, Choreographer and Dancer
Photo Oliver Look

Photo Dasmechanischeauge
In the last 20 years he has been working all over Europe, applying his extensive knowledge of the moving-body in the areas of improvisation and contemporary dance. He has taught in many theaters, companies, University and dance institution such as:
Theatre am Gärtnerplatz, Theater Gießen, Theater Heidelberg Theater Pforzheim, Theater Bielefeld, Theater in Kassel, Theater Braunschweig and Bremen.
Folkwang Tanz Studio, Neuer Tanz, Cooperativa Maura Morales.
Folkwang Universität der Künste, DansArt Academy, HJS (Henry Jurten Studio) and JMD Academie voor Theater en Dans / Urban Contemporary) in Amsterdam.
Tanzhaus NRW, Kaay Fecc Festival Dakar .
Along with his teaching he has choreographed several works for this organizations and his own independent projects. Most recent choreographies are: Körpererzählung (2019), Der Blonde Eckbert ( 2016 /17 ), Der Tag am dem der Goldfisch Starb ( 2015 ) commissioned by the dance Compagnie in Gießen, Stray Dogs ( 2018 ), What about you ( 2016 ) commisioned by the Compagnie Strado in Ulm, Energieplan 48 hours Performance inspired to Joseph Beuys ( 2013 ) in collaboration with the musician Reinhard Köhler.
Since 2017, he has been responsible for the creation and supervision of an original educational programme for contemporary dance and improvisation for the Shenzhen Art School academy. The programme is supported by the TanzArt Festival Ostwest in the person of Tarek Assam, the Tanz Compagnie Gießen and the Ministry of Culture of the Hessen region.
In parallel to his stage activity, he works with private and public institutions and leads several social projects with people of all ages and backgrounds.
Since 2016 he has been successfully leading the Kroki project in collaboration with the University Hospital Gießen/ Marburg and the Theater Gießen. In this context, he developed a training method to help children with psychosomatic illnesses through dance.
In 2019 he founded a similar association in Düsseldorf, which he names KROKI Düsseldorf with the same intent to help people with chronic diseases, with particular attention to the young age group.In the past year he has also led many projects and workshops with mixable profesional dancers and amteur.
With choreographer Gerda König, creator of the M.A.D.E. ( Mixed-Abled Dance Education ) project, he is collaborating on the creation of a new method of studying contemporary dance that will allow students and dancers with and without disabilities to share a common education.
In 2020 he joined the (dance and medicine) association. With which she is currently studying for the Tamed certificate.
Paolo Fossa began his dance training in 1992 with the Theatre of Turin, where he studied the Cecchetti and Balanchine syllabus and Limon modern technique. Later he worked with the Theatre BTT and Teatro Nuovo in Turin, where he danced the repertoire from W. Forsythe, M. Ek, J.Kylián, J. Limon. In 1999 he moved to Germany and danced in several theaters and companies among which Theater Heidelberg, Bielefeld, Hagen, Darmstadt and Bremen, DinA13 Company, Sosta Palmizi, Kaiser-Antonino Dance Ensemble, Curtis & Co and with many choreographers such as Katrin Hall, Fabien Prioville, Jochen Ulrich and others. During the years he trained various dance techniques including Instant Composition, Contact improvisation, Fighting Monkeys, Butoh and Body Weather. He attended courses in Chinese Medicine and Feldenkrais Method. He practice since many years various Martial arts ( Judo, Capoeira, Kalaripayattu and Shaolin Kung Fu ), trained Yengar and Astahnga Yoga for several years, that he integrates in his choreographic and teaching work.

Dance Art and Education
“We have a brain for one reason and one reason only -- that’s to produce adaptable and complex movements. Movement is the only way we have affecting the world around us… I believe that to understand movement is to understand the whole brain. And therefore it’s important to remember when you are studying memory, cognition, sensory processing, they’re there for a reason, and that reason is action.”
Content coming soon
Dance and art.
Dance as art and the art of dancing are not exactly the same thing.
The first refers to an artistic domain which almost always involves a product to be marketed. This product, which we can conventionally call choreography, is a very complex artistic form, which changes over time, and which always includes new readings and interpretations of the body.
As it is born from the body, and is characterised by a body moving in space and time.
The art of dancing is, in my opinion, something much broader and deeper that is not limited to the creation of a product but to a state of being.
It does not involve a recognised professionalism, because it cannot be marketed, it refers directly to a way of living and seeing the world.
Sometimes these two visions converge and then the best results are achieved.
This often happens when one improvises with other people without specific aims, when during a lesson pupils and teacher interchange and become one developing entity, or when a choreographer has not used the dancers for his artistic purposes but has made those dancing human beings represent them and become messengers and creators at the same time.

Educational project
reserch Projekt for a new dance traininig for for wheelchair dancers.
Research founded by Ministry of Culture of the region NRW
01.05.2021 Start of research
Every 3 months I will publish a report on research developments.
31.12.2021 Publication of final research results.
For more information or interested in collaborating read more.
Mixed abble dance Education
Since July 2020 I am proud to collaborate as a guest teacher in the M.A.D.E. Educational Project.
The project conceived and created by the choreographer Gerda König and Gitta Roser aims to create a professional artistic dance training for dancers with different physical skills.
In January 2021 i become part of the MADE board.
Inside you can find more information about the develope of this unique project.
Projekt with Children with psychosomatic disorder
For the fourth consecutive year I am happy to direct the "Kroki" Project Gießen, with children suffering from psychosomatic disorders.
The next workshop is scheduled for Mai / Juni 2021, at the University clinic of Gießen / Marburg.
For more information
for more information you can refer to:
KroKi association Düsseldorf
In February 2019, we found the Association for chronically ill people in Düsseldorf with the abbreviation "KroKi" e.V.
Due to the current pandemic situation we have no active projects. Also in view of the fragility of our audience.
We are planning new projects for autumn 2021.
